guiding and supporting multipassionate souls


About Me

I'm Jodi.

I'm a middle-aged woman, and mom of two amazing daughters. I've published a book, created a podcast, started multiple businesses, and worked in many different industries in my life. Oh and I'm a professional psychic and spiritual mentor.

I'm also what is referred to as a multipassionate person. A learn-it-all who thrives when learning a new skill set and being in an environment to relate to new people.

Now I'm at a point in my life where I see my multipassionate self as a bit of a super power. I'm here to tell you that yours is too.

With my work experience combined with my life experience, I am beautifully positioned to be the mentor, support system, and cheerleader that you need. Add in my ability to read the energies of the past, present and future and this becomes a unique mix of guidance and insight.

I can't wait to work with you!

I am offering two multipassionate visionary programs to choose from...

Read through the description of each program and then decide which one sound the most like where you're at, and where you'd like to go.

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Where do I begin?

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Where do I go from here?

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about this!

Where Do I Begin?

This is for you who know you want something new or different in your life. Maybe you want to add a new income stream to your existing one. Maybe you want to strike out in a new direction altogether, but you don't know which direction to move in and you don't have any ideas to work with. That is where I come in.

This 8 week program begins with a session over video chat where we will spend some time talking about you. What you love, what you don't. What you're currently doing. What your next goals are. With divination and my own experience, we will outline your needs, your super powers and the sweet spot where they meet. Together we will then make a plan to move forward in a way that is both exciting and engaging for you. This will include the avenues that best suit your new venture and any coaching needed to get you comfortable using them.

Over the course of this time together, we will have 3 more live video calls at 30 minutes each to catch up on your progress as well as work through any questions or speed bumps you may have encountered. You will also be able to message me any time. Maybe you need some reassurance, or encouragement - that's why I'm here! Perhaps you need some guidance with your new project or idea - yep, that's why I'm here.

This mentorship and visionary program will have you feeling confident and excited about your new offering or project, which is what you deserve!

*This can be paid in installments.

**If you'd prefer to pay via PayPal or etransfer, please send me a message and we can make those arrangements!

I look forward to working with you!

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Purchase Now!

Where Do I Go From Here?

This 4 week program is geared towards those who have made the first step - or steps - toward their new idea or venture. But where do you go from here? Social media? Sales? Or maybe you feel like you have it all handled but just need someone to bounce your next moves off of. I'm here to help you with whatever next steps you need, whether it's setting up a website or being your own personal cheerleader.

This will begin with a live 1 hour video chat session so we can get familiar with your plan and uncover what my best and most helpful role for you would be. Halfway through our four weeks together we will catch up with another 1 hour conversation. Throughout this you will have messaging access to me should you have any questions or need any reassurance.

*If you need to make payment in installments, I’m happy to work with you for that.

**If you prefer to pay via PayPal or etransfer, message me and we will make arrangements.

I look forward to working with you!

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I Wrote A Book!

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Late Bloomer

At age forty, with two beautiful daughters, a big house and a crumbling marriage, Jodi finds herself haunted by feelings of an unfulfilled life and the realization that, so far, she has built her life from the outside in.

With naivete, enthusiasm, and the gut-wrenching sense that she needed more, Jodi embraces her newly found independence to embark on a quest for self-love, romance, and spiritual fulfilment...and yes, she knows that's a tall order.

In this inspiring, funny and sometimes uncomfortably honest memoir, Jodi shares her struggles and triumphs as she takes one giant step away from what she has known and makes peace with herself, her ego and what she believes to be God.

Like no other, this book pens a love letter to starting over later in life, showing that your 'second act' can actually be a celebration, a harvest and a victory lap. As Jodi finds peace in unexpected places and releases the hurt of her past, she proves that it's never too late to bloom - In fact, being a late bloomer might be the biggest blessing of them all.

Available to purchase online wherever you buy books